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Tip Tuesday

By September 22, 2015Tips & Tricks

Start scheduling your holidays now!

Don’t get caught in the holiday hustle and bustle unprepared!

Make A Calendar & Include:

Due dates for updating graphics & banners on your website or selling platform.

Dates you would like to run holiday promotions (Make sure you space them out appropriately & leave yourself enough time to fulfill orders)

Start and end dates for running advertisements

(How about a Handmade Loves Instagram feature?)

Start Scheduling Promotions

Having a plan is the best way to avoid being caught off guard!

Begin to think of answers for the following questions as you fill up your calendar:

What week should I do a holiday giveaway?

Should I promote a holiday discount code?

Which marketing outlets should I use?

When should I design and change my shop images and banner?

Which online trends should I join? Free shipping day? Cyber Monday?

Set Deadlines

Why wait?

Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 10.30.48 AM

Remember to answer these questions as you begin to think through this holiday season:

When should I start taking holiday orders?

When should I start making my holiday inventory?

When should product be ready?

When should the deadline be for custom holiday orders?

What should be processing time be set to?

When should my shipping deadline be?

Love The Lists

Learn to List


Keep a holiday list running so the small things don’t slip through the cracks:

What are my holiday priorities?

When should I take breaks? (Coffee and Cakes!)

What months should be dedicated to what? Making? Marketing?

To-Do, To-Design, To-Ship?

Should I look for collaborations and features?