Purchasing FAQs

How do I contact the seller about an item?

Handmade Loves is a platform for artisans to sell their handcrafted goods. When you make a purchase on Handmade Loves you are buying directly from one of our featured artisans.

Please contact the seller directly to:

  • Inquire about an order
  • Ask about product availability
  • Ask about a custom or personalized item
  • Send a message about your order
  • Initiate a return, refund or replacement

You can contact the seller by emailing them from the product detail page or accessing their email address on your emailed order confirmation.

How do I purchase something on Handmade Loves?

You do not need to register with Handmade Loves in order to complete your purchase. However, you will not be able to view your order history if you do not register.

Can I purchase more than one item at once?

Yes, you can purchase as many things as you’d like. If you have items from multiple vendors, you will not need to complete multiple transactions. Please note, you will have to pay shipping costs for each vendor. If you are purchasing multiple products from the same vendor, the item with the highest shipping cost will be the amount you pay for shipping.

How much does shipping cost?

The shipping charge is listed on the product detail page and is set by the seller. You can also review the shipping costs before completing your order.

How do I pay for an item?

All payments are processed through PayPal. If you don’t have a PayPal account it’s easy to set one up. Click here to set up your new PayPal account.

When will I receive my order?

Shipping times are set by the seller and are listed on the product detail page. For further information, please contact your seller directly. You can email them by locating their contact information at the bottom of the product detail page or on the purchase confirmation email you received when you placed an order.

What should I do if my order is missing?

If you haven’t received you order in the time specified by the seller, please contact the seller. If you do not hear back from the seller within five days, please fill contact us using the email information found in the footer of the website.

What should I do if I never receive my order?

If you never receive you order, we suggest canceling your order and requesting a refund by emailing the seller. If the seller is unresponsive, you should file a claim with PayPal’s claims & disputes. Please make sure to let us know, so we can take action.

How can I cancel and/or return my order?

Circumstances will determine if a buyer receives a partial or full refund, a repair, or a replacement. Buyer must contact vendor to return a faulty good.

If the seller has specified that items are final sales, they cannot be returned for refund. Final sale items will be clearly labeled on the product detail page.

Please note, unless faulty, the following types of items are non-refundable: Personalized items, made-to-order items, perishable items & items with a hygiene seal (i.e. cosmetics) in instances the seal has been broken.

How long are Flash Sales?

Flash Sales are active for 72 hours or until we run out of stock, whichever happens first.

Very Important

Please contact the seller, not Handmade Loves, to cancel an order, to notify the seller of a return, or request a refund

Vendor FAQS

Why collaborate with Handmade Loves?

Handmade Loves is a carefully curated collection of handmade goods from artisans around the world. Our organic audience of art and craft devotees is growing rapidly. We never pay for followers, and we have a very high interaction rate. This is one more place for your work to meet a targeted audience.

How can I be featured?

There are three main ways to be featured. All you have to do is submit an application to be featured on our Instagram account, become part of a high quality Curated Collection or join one of our Flash Sales. It’s free to apply! If you are selected, you will be notified by email. It’s that simple. We enjoy discovering new artists as much as our audience does. Have other ways you would like to be featured? We would love to hear about them! Fill out this contact form and we’ll contact you to discuss.

How can I become a seller on Handmade Loves?

Because Handmade Loves is a small collection, we only accept high quality products. To apply to be part of the Curated Collection, simply fill out this quick and easy form, and we’ll contact you if your products are a good fit.

If you would like to participate in a Flash Sale apply here, and we will contact you if your products are a good fit.

What can I sell on Handamde Loves?

Handmade Loves provides a marketplace for crafters & artisans to sell their handmade creations. All items must be handmade, not mass-produced.

How much will it cost?

  • Social Feature: If you are selected for a Social Feature, the cost is $20 USD. The feature never expires. The fee can be paid through PayPal.
  • Curated Collection: If you are selected for the Curated Collection there is a one time $20 setting up shop fee. 95% of every sale goes directly to you. We automatically collect 5% of sales.
  • Flash Sale: If you are selected for the Flash Sale the fee is $50. All fees can be paid through PayPal. You can feature up to 5 products.

How are fees billed & paid for?

All bills must be paid through PayPal. Please read below for details on various features.

  • Social Features: are billed prior to your feature and must be paid 24 hours before your scheduled post time slot.
  • Curated Collection: Setting up shop fee will be billed upon acceptance into the collection. 95% of every sale will automatically be transferred to you.
  • Flash Sale Features: are billed prior to the actual Flash Sale. Money owed must be paid 24 hours prior to Flash Sale launch.

Social Feature FAQs

What can I expect from my social feature?

It varies from feature to feature. Some products get more results than others. All we can guarantee is your product will be presented in front of a highly interactive and targeted audience. If we select your work, chances are our fans will want to have a look. Most features see the greatest activity within the first two hours of posting. However, since we never remove posts, you could continue to get attention days and weeks after you’ve been featured.

How long will my post be featured?

Once a post, always a post. We do not take posts down after a period of time.

Do I have to do anything after I am featured?

No, you do not have share or post anything if you don’t want to. Focus on your work, and let us showcase it. Taking a break from making beautiful things? Use Handmade Loves as a chance to reintroduce your work to those who know about it. Let people know you have been featured using whatever method of communication you choose.

Why wasn't I selected?

We cannot select everyone. We post a limited amount of social features each week with a maximum of four each. Poor photography will not be featured. If you were not selected this time, we encourage you to resubmit in the future.

Curated Collection & Flash Sale FAQs

What can I sell on Handmade Loves?

Handmade Loves provides a marketplace for crafters & artisans to sell their handmade creations.

How many products can I list?

You can feature as many listings as approved by the Handmade Loves team in the  Curated Collection & up to 4 product listings in the Flash Sale.

How will I be paid?

You will need a PayPal account. You will be paid directly by the customer in your linked PayPal account. You keep 95% of sales.

How will I know when something has been purchased?

You will be sent an email alert that one of your items has been purchased. The email will give you details about what has been purchased as well as customer information. You can also manage orders on our vendor dashboard portal.

How long will my listings be active?

  • Curated Collection Listings will remain active as long as you like. Cancel at anytime.
  • Flash Sale listings will remain active for the duration of the 72-hour Flash Sale or until you run out of stock, whichever happens first.

What can I expect from my product listings?

Product listings vary in popularity. Some products get more results than others. If you are selected to become part of the Curated Collection you can list as many approved products as you’d like. You are not guaranteed an Instagram feature or a feature in one of our newsletters or e-blasts, but we do our best to try to include at least one product from your shop in our marketing efforts.

If you are selected to participate in a Flash Sale you can list up to 4 products. At least one of your products will be featured in an e-blast.

Why wasn't I selected?

We cannot select everyone. We have a limited amount of spots in the Curated Collection and Flash Sale. Poor photography will not be featured. If you were not selected this time, we encourage you to resubmit in the future.