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I started Handmade Loves because I am passionate about shopping small, buying handmade, and supporting artisans. When Handmade Loves turned the ripe old age of one, I reflected upon my business. There was something missing. I knew I loved the business. I knew that I wanted to continue to build it. But, I also knew I wasn’t feeling completely fulfilled. I took a serious look at what I needed to do to keep the business growing in a positive direction.  After some reflecting,  the answer was clear to me: I wasn’t giving for the sake of giving!

When I started to give, I received. My business started growing at a much faster rate, and I started feeling fulfilled in ways I wasn’t before.

Why is it so important for a business to give? Besides, making you feel good, it’s a great way to build a community. It’s the best way to let your customers and fans know you care and appreciate them. In turn, you will increase your likeability and trust. If someone trusts you, they will be more likely to buy from you. If you are liked, people will want to buy from you. It’s as simple as that. Now, building a community, trust, and likeability does not happen overnight. In fact, it can take a long time to establish. But, I’m here to tell you from experience, it is so worth it. The best things that have come from giving is increased growth and revenue. When I started giving, I hadn’t totally connected the dots that it would also help grow my business, too. I always thought giving things away would devalue my product or service. That is a complete myth! My business is proof. I have tripled my revenue and was able to hire another person to help out.

So how does this apply to commerce businesses that are selling actual products? It is entirely applicable. Below are a few ideas. I think it is easiest to give away something you already have on hand or something that is digital. So keep that in mind as you continue to read.


Do you have overstock product from the holiday rush or a craft fair just sitting in storage or clogging up your workspace? Give it away! You aren’t making money off of products collecting dust on a shelf. Remember, once people get something for free, they are more likely to purchase from you in the future.


You can create a smaller, less complex product to give away. Take skincare for example. You could make 50 extra mini lip balms to give away. This idea probably takes that most time and resources, but since giving is so valuable you can build it into your marketing strategy and budget.


This is my favorite idea. I love it because it is so simple and doesn’t require out of pocket expenses! Create a downloadable guide or how-to. If you sell macramé wall hangings, it can be a “How to Get Started Weaving” tutorial. You can also give styling advice. For example, if you sell jewelry or accessories you can offer a “How to Style Your Look” guide.

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