Ever let the stress of running a business get the best of you? As small business owners, we are constantly pulled in several directions. If things are not kept in perspective, it can become overwhelming very quickly.
As you may or may not know, Handmade Loves is going through a huge growth spurt and we are going to be offering a variety of new (and free) resources for makers. In preparing for the changes, I was becoming more and more stressed. Then it dawned on me. I have been setting false deadlines. Of course, I want to keep things moving, but I had to step back and realize: I’m just one person. No one is expecting me to get things done today. I was putting pressure on myself.
Always in search of ways to remain calm, happy, and healthy, I found these strategies helpful:
Don’t worry about what others think
I like to share and bounce my ideas off other people. At some point, I had to stop trying to get validation from other people and start believing in myself and my ideas.
chunk tasks and Just do it
When I have too much to do, I get overwhelmed. I started chunking larger tasks. This helps me stay organized which leads to more productivity. Plus, I get to check more off my list!
Don’t take things too seriously
When there is a setback, it’s easy to tailspin into a bad mood. I consciously choose to stay positive and let things go. It’s simply the healthiest thing for the business and me.
PS: I created this graphic for you to use. Feel free to share it on your social media accounts or wherever you need an inspirational boost!
PPS: How do you cope when things stress you out? Share your comments and thoughts below.
Emily Strom

oh, i've been to the watercolour museum a few years ago and loved it. it was summer and we admired the houses for the artists in residence and sat on the huge, sun-drenched rocks. such a wonderful memory.
Keep these articles coming as they’ve opened many new doors for me.
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These are good reminders. I would also add that exercising is a huge stress reducer.